Church Stewardship Workshop
Church Stewardship Workshop (Page 1 of 1)
Please help design the Workshop by answering the following questions.
(Fields marked with * are required.)
Your first name?
Your email address
Phone where we can reach you?
Church name
Please check the needs that you would like to be the workshop's focus:
Improving my income
Doing a better job of managing the income I already have
Knowing where my money goes
Having a plan and following it
Managing to give more
Getting out of debt
Being a mentor
Getting a mentor
Saving for the future - things like emergencies and retirement
Improving communication about money in my family - honoring my parents, teaching my children
Affording the true cost of living without being greedy
Dealing with money responsibly without becoming worldly
Understanding investments
Avoiding financial hazards and scams
Spending wisely, discerning value
Recovering from troubles and crises
Healing money wounds
Improving trust in my household
Improving trust at my church
Improving transparency and accountability at my church
Helping clergy and staff work together
Communicating mission and vision in economic terms
Any other needs we haven't listed?
Best day?
Best time?
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